
Developing edutainment and life-skills training material on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Gender-Based Violence for trainers at youth centres (UNFPA Egypt, 2018)

From July to September 2018, C4D Support gathered together a team of specialist consultants in Egypt in order to support a UNFPA Egypt project focused on developing edutainment and life-skills training material on Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) and Gender-Based Violence (GBV) for trainers at youth centres. The project consisted of three different phases; first […]

Developing edutainment and life-skills training material on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Gender-Based Violence for trainers at youth centres (UNFPA Egypt, 2018) Read More »

Capacity Development in Social Norms and Violence Against Children for UNICEF’s partners and UNICEF staff (UNICEF Nigeria, 2017 — 2018)

The purpose of the training for UNICEF Nigeria is to ensure understanding social norms processes and then ensure this knowledge can be used for social norms strategy development and impactful interventions — specifically that of Nigerian communities and violence against children. Training of Trainers (ToT) is also provided so that training participants can transfer the knowledge

Capacity Development in Social Norms and Violence Against Children for UNICEF’s partners and UNICEF staff (UNICEF Nigeria, 2017 — 2018) Read More »

WASH/Hygiene Promotion Toolkit and Training (UNICEF Syria, 2017)

Objective: To design a standardised hygiene promotion toolkit and deliver training on C4D skills for WASH for UNICEF Syria. Training and materials were produced in both Arabic and English. Outputs: To meet the project objectives, we successfully carried out the following: Toolkit development: conducted a desk review of hygiene promotion toolkits, C4D for hygiene promotion

WASH/Hygiene Promotion Toolkit and Training (UNICEF Syria, 2017) Read More »

Social Media Skills for Youth Participation and Entrepreneurship (UNICEF Syria, 2017)

This project with UNICEF Syria focused on supporting the development of young people’s skills and capacities and providing them with opportunities to design, develop and establish social and business entrepreneurship initiatives that can improve their livelihoods and create innovative solutions to some of the social problems faced in the community. This included training, mentoring, and

Social Media Skills for Youth Participation and Entrepreneurship (UNICEF Syria, 2017) Read More »

C4D Capacity Building in Eritrea (UNICEF Eritrea, 2017)

Objective: This UNICEF Eritrea consultancy was focused on capacity building of UNICEF programme staff in Communication for Development (C4D): planning, messaging, creative implementation, M&E and research to contribute to the achievement of planned SDGs and national development results as articulated in the UNICEF assisted country programme (2017 – 2021). Outputs: To meet the project objectives, we

C4D Capacity Building in Eritrea (UNICEF Eritrea, 2017) Read More »